Development of the Movement for Sports and Recreation for all 인문·사회과학편 : 사회체육(社會體育) 진흥(振興)을 위하여
25(2) 3-8, 1986
Development of the Movement for Sports and Recreation for all 인문·사회과학편 : 사회체육(社會體育) 진흥(振興)을 위하여
Namely "Mass Sports," or "Sports for All Movement," which is now undergoing very actively throughout the World, placing its chief aim, as we are well aware, at stimulating an active participation in various sports programs during free time in order to enhance the quality of life through healthful and joyous living resulting from the participation.
It would be helpful to explain some of the background that have greatly influenced in initiating the Movement.
The serious problems that some of the developed countries facing today are : deleterious living condition, undesirable life style, all kinds of pollution, and tremendous expansion of free time, causing by highly economic growth, urbanization and industrialization in this modern world.
Underk the these conditions, it is inevitable for most people to deal with the severe problems of inefficient bodily function and human alienation in their everyday life. It is the time to recognize the rdal danger, and it can’t be ignored any longer.
The main purpose of launching the Sports for All Movement is to do something about these problems, and it certainly will directly affects to individual happiness and prosperity in the country.
Through this paper it was examined what the essential factors and social environment should be provided to make the Movement a success. Also the vital elements for the development of this Movement wer mentioned, in viewing the particular situation in Korea. They are :
1. Facilities and equipments
2. Organization and administration
3. Leadership training
4. Program development
It is quite obvious that a good welfare country, in a true sense. is the country where sports and happiness do exist for all human neings rather than as a few people’s possession.
As a final annalysis, it is earnestly hoped that the sports and recreation movement should be extended on a nationwide basis as a part of welfare program in the nation, because it is very closely related to health, wise use of leisurre, and enrichment living all people.
Key Words
A study on the Actual state of the Adminstration to Nursing room in Che Ju Middle & High School 인문·사회과학편 : 제주도(濟州道) 중(中)·고등학교(高等學校) 양호실(養護室) 운영실태(運營實態) 조사(調査)
25(2) 9-24, 1986
A study on the Actual state of the Adminstration to Nursing room in Che Ju Middle & High School 인문·사회과학편 : 제주도(濟州道) 중(中)·고등학교(高等學校) 양호실(養護室) 운영실태(運營實態) 조사(調査)
I. Purpose
This study was to search for the way to set the to form of the foundation of schooling health in schools which is a part of the national educations for the next generation, through in vestigation the realities of nursing facilitie in schools. the foundation of the school health education.
II. Method
The objects were consist of 65 school nurses at middle school and high schools at Che Ju province. Answer categories questionaires used to abtain the necessary deta, were sent to each of the members and were received from 52 of them through mail becouse of it regional situation.
III. Result
The conclusions were made on the basis of the analysis of the related data.
1) The school having a nursing system.
The room for only nursing: 21 Schools
The room for Combined using : 15 Schools
No room : 16 Schools
2) The age of the school nurses were
the twenties : 21
the thirties : 27
the fourties : 4
The sexes of the school nurses were
male: 25 Female: 27
3) The major studios of the school nurse
were the science of nursing : 7
the physical Education : 25
the domesic Science ; 6
the other : 14
4) The Condition of budget given to nursing
at schools were.
short : 19 schools
very short : 17 schools
suitable(proper) : 13 schools
sufficient : 3 schools
5) The present condition of individual burden
in expenses for operations is.
nothing : 49 schools
a part of the expenses of drugs precribed : 3 school
6) The present condition of disposition of school
School were
School doctor : 37 schools
School druggist : 26 schools
7) The condition of the drus suppy
suitable : 27 schools
short : 18 schools
sufficient : 7 school
8) The number of Schools with the Counseling
for health : 23 schools
The number of schools with the health
The number of school with the health
recording system were : 27 school
9) The subject of health education in schools
student : 85.54%
teaching Staff : 11.54%
pareuts of student : 1.92%
10) The kind of disease were an acute
diseaseinsury during classes a
Chronic disease and others.
Key Words
A study on the Vitaligation of School Spart (Centering on Middle and High School and university) 인문·사회과학편 : 학교 스포츠 활성화에 관한 연구 (중학교, 고등학교, 대학을 중심으로)
이석원SuekWonLee , 최영렬YoungRyulChoi , 김종환JongHwanKim
25(2) 25-31, 1986
A study on the Vitaligation of School Spart (Centering on Middle and High School and university) 인문·사회과학편 : 학교 스포츠 활성화에 관한 연구 (중학교, 고등학교, 대학을 중심으로)
이석원SuekWonLee , 최영렬YoungRyulChoi , 김종환JongHwanKim
Sports and Athletic auonplishments Can attributed to many fortors working together in an ideal intermix.
Physical characteristics, surse aerity, Porceptual and alecision making Processes, acquired skiels and develoged abilities sturcture the human system for preparation fof corpetition The optimal state of arousal oncourayeo the structre to function in a desirable way physical activity and sports are basic universal elements within virtually alto cultares from highly industrialized Society to developing counties.
Key Words
On the basis of analysis on the literature related for this study leadership of physical education director is seemed generally good corelationship between leader and follower. 인문·사회과학편 : 체육지도자(體育指導者)의 Leadership 분석(分析) 연구(硏究)
최정윤ChongYunChoi , 강신복ShinBokKang
25(2) 33-43, 1986
On the basis of analysis on the literature related for this study leadership of physical education director is seemed generally good corelationship between leader and follower. 인문·사회과학편 : 체육지도자(體育指導者)의 Leadership 분석(分析) 연구(硏究)
최정윤ChongYunChoi , 강신복ShinBokKang
It was not adapted general theory for general part, so to speak when direct to athletic group was more cohesive by authoritative style recepted and sometimes in the same group authoritaitive or democratic style leader were more efficient.
But there are little differences in recognitions of the leadership concepts between leaders and followers.
On the other hand, the roll assignment of loaders were more positive than that of followers. Especially such a phenomenon was revealed in male leader than in female leader. Organizational climates on the relationships between leaders and followers were considered with such factors as sex, age, and working hours alloted.
As mentioned above, there are some traits and attributes among leaders and followers in physical education and athletics, and they should have such graits and attributed that be able to affect in achieving organizational purposes. Those who are involved in coaching job should not follow the other`s coaching methods without careful evoluation. Because of each person is unique, one would take of trait theory position, but it may be more effective with taking situational position in the process of administration.
As discussed earlier one should not follow with only one style of leaderships for teaching and or coaching in physical education and athletics.
Meanwhile, from the hypothesis discussed above the quantity and quality of one`s leadership is one of major factors to achieve organizational goals. Thus leader should allow originality and sincerity to their followers in order to let them work passionately and voluntary for achieving their individual and group goals.
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FOR THE PRMOTION OF SOCIAL SPORTS 인문·사회과학편 : 사회체육(社會體育) 진흥(振興)을 위한 소고(小考)
25(2) 45-52, 1986
FOR THE PRMOTION OF SOCIAL SPORTS 인문·사회과학편 : 사회체육(社會體育) 진흥(振興)을 위한 소고(小考)
Economic development has brought the increase in leisure time, insufficient physical activities and changes in lifestyle with it.
They have created a threat to health and human alienation.
There are growing desire for more physical activities and concerns on sports activities to protect and enhance physical fitness and to develop physical strength.
To lead happy life with more stable affluence is everyone’s hope and dream. For this, a groundwork should be laid out for everyone, from child to old people, everywhere, from home to school, office and local community, in the recognition that individual physical strength is the basis of national development, efforts should be made for the promotion of social sports activities.
Much studies are being made in various fields for the promotion of social sports. The adequate proposals suggested from the studies must be compiled, reviewed and supplemented so that they can be practically reflected in the national policy. It is rather open to questions how much issues and new proposals to facilities, leaders, programs, organizations, sports participation and new recognition of sports will be reflected.
Even so, it is my earnest desire that overall policy for the promotion of social sports should be worked out as soon as possible to build properous and welfare nation of joyful healthy people.
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Research on Korean Old people's leisure of realities 인문·사회과학편 : 한국노인(韓國老人) 여가실태(餘暇實態)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究)
25(2) 53-60, 1986
Research on Korean Old people's leisure of realities 인문·사회과학편 : 한국노인(韓國老人) 여가실태(餘暇實態)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究)
I. Purpose
The purpose of this study was to analyze the situation of old people’s leisure time which was created according to modernization of Korean Society and to provied the proper method. I think that the main point of the problem of old people’s leisure time in the modem industrial society is how to live and enjoy the longer leisure time of modern and future societies. Furthermore, another Point is hew to spend with Valuable activity the leisure time Which comes about with loss of employment.
II. Method
The method of this study was to ask some questions to some old people (male & female) over sixty years old Selected randomly in Seoul, Suwon and Anyang areas and to Search the related literature.
III. Results
① Korean old people Showed low participation rate in leisure time activities compared with other countries’ old People.
② Most Korean old people spent their leisure time in Passive activities at their homes.
③ The leisure activity programs Which old people wanted to participate in most were health Programs.
④ Almost of the old people had a desire to participate in the leisure activities.
Key Words
Effects of Motoric Imagery in Preschool Children's Learninn 인문·사회과학편 : 운동적 심상이 취학적 아동의 학습에 미치는 효과
25(2) 61-66, 1986
Effects of Motoric Imagery in Preschool Children's Learninn 인문·사회과학편 : 운동적 심상이 취학적 아동의 학습에 미치는 효과
The present study was designed to designed to investigte the effects of motoric imagery in presclool children`s loaming. The materials consisted of twenty sentences. The subjects of this study were forty-eight children randomy extracted from theree classes of kindergarten in Daegu.
The experimental groups formed 2×2 factorial design with imagery method (motoric or visual), presentation methods(verb lists or adjective lists) as the factors. The subjects learned sentence under either enacted instructions or visualized instructions of each sentence.
In the visualixation condition, subjects were instructed to form visual images each sentence immediately after it was spoken by the experiment. In the enactment condition, subjects were told to act out immediately each sentence after they repeated the sentence. The children were tested for immediate recall and for delayed recall three minutes.
The conclusions drawn form the study are as fellows :
1. There was a significant difference between the visual imagery and method imagery method of instruction on the retention of the sentences, bet for delayed fecall visual imagery was found to be more forgetable than motoric imagery.
2. Motoric processing proved to facilite sentence recall more than the visual processing.
3. There was significant difference between the verb lists and adjective lists on reation of the sentences,
4. The interaction between the imagery methods and representation methods were found to be significant.
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A Study on the Self- concept of Track and Field Athletes 자연과학편 : 육상선수(陸上選手)들의 자아개념(自我槪念)에 관(關)한 일연구(一硏究)
김상규SangGyuKim , 김희태HeeTaeKim
25(2) 69-75, 1986
A Study on the Self- concept of Track and Field Athletes 자연과학편 : 육상선수(陸上選手)들의 자아개념(自我槪念)에 관(關)한 일연구(一硏究)
김상규SangGyuKim , 김희태HeeTaeKim
This study compared track and field athletes’ self concept of the superior group and ordinary group, men’s group and women’s group.
285 of male and 248 of female athletes were randomly selected, and the results of this were shown as following.
1. The scores of self-assessment. mural ethical self and domestic self between men’s superior group and ordinary group were significant at.01 level(P<.01), and total positive self, self identity, Physical self, personal self, social self and internal variable scores were significant at.05 level(P<.05).
2. There were no significant relationship of self-concept between women’s superior group and ordinary group.
3. Among 14 variations, self behavior was significant at.05 level(P<.05), 12 variations significant at.01 level (P<.01), and no significance was indicated on self satisfaction between men’s group and women’s group.
Key Words
Analysis of the whole body and optional reaction 자연과학편 : 음향(音響), 광색(光色)과 전신(全身)및 선택반응시간(選擇反應時間) 과의 관계분석(關係分析)
25(2) 77-85, 1986
Analysis of the whole body and optional reaction 자연과학편 : 음향(音響), 광색(光色)과 전신(全身)및 선택반응시간(選擇反應時間) 과의 관계분석(關係分析)
1. (Sound) Simple the whole body reaction.
It has proved that no difference between athletes and nonathletes.( P<0.05)
But when reacting 1000㎐. 3000㎐, it proved that hand ball player was the fastest. Furthermore, 500㎐(1000㎐<3000㎐, reaction time grow faster and faster depends upon sound intensity.
2. (Light) Choice indication the whole body reaction.
It proved that athletes are faster than nonathletes.
Especially, there was a widd difference between rugby, soccer, hand ball player and volley ball player, athletes. (P<0.05)
3. (Light) Optional reaction.
* Red(front)-athletes are faster than nonathletes.
Particularly, the soccer player is the fastest and the next one is rugby player. (P<0.05)
* Yellow(left)-athletes are faster than nenathletes.
Particularly, the soccer player is the fastest. (P<0.05)
* Blue(right)-athletes are some what faster than nonathletes.(P<0.05)
4. (Hand) Light optional reaction.
* Red-Peculiar thing happened on the right hand reaction was athletes, soccer player were faster than valley ball, hand ball player.
There was no difference on the left hand reaction. (P<0.05)
* Yellow-Right hand reaction was some what fast to the hand ball player.
There was no difference on the left hand reaction. (P<0.05)
* Blue-Both right and left hand reaction was some what fast to the soccer player.(P<0.05)
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The change of blooding redient according to the training gnount 자연과학편 : 종목별(種目別) 운동부하(運動負荷)에 따른 혈액성분(血液成分)의 변화(變化)
이한우HanWooRee , 김태왕TaiWangKim
25(2) 87-100, 1986
The change of blooding redient according to the training gnount 자연과학편 : 종목별(種目別) 운동부하(運動負荷)에 따른 혈액성분(血液成分)의 변화(變化)
이한우HanWooRee , 김태왕TaiWangKim
1. Introduction.
When much training is given to a body, the demand of energy increased rapidly. Therefore, in considering the effect of training it will be of significance to search blood histoligical phenomenon occured by the physio-logical functions of blood to transport energy source and defend a living body. The aim of this study is in observing the change of white corpuscle and red corpuscle, Hematocrit, Hemoglobin, E.S.R and the change of pulsation.
2. The Object and the Duration of the study.
1) This study selected its objects : as the Gyung-Nam representative players, 8 Swordmanship players in A high school, 4 boy Shooting players and 4 girl ones in B high school, and 4 boy Shooting players and 4 girl ones in A high school, and 4 Archery players in C high school, and as Non-athletic group, 8 students in A high school.
2) As the training amount of this study are regarded, in the case of players, how much they takes in each regular game, and, in Bon- athletic group, the training amount they tahe in 50 minutes football game in athletic class.
3) This study was continued from April 7 to May 30 inclusive in 1986.
3. Conclusion and Summary.
The followings are the conclusions made by observing the change of blood ingredient according to the training amout in the Swordmanship, the Shooting, the Archery and the football of Non-athletic group.
1) In the Swordmanship players. the blood ingredient changed rapidly after the game. Its change is much greater than in any other game. It is because the training and the energy consumtion amount in Swordmanship is much more than any other game.
2) In Archery, after the game, the degree of change was somewhat hihg and in Shooting low The Archery players have, in the course of static player, the walking distance to the target and the intermidiate rest time, While the Shooting ones consume much oxyzen by reducing their breath frequency, and oxyzen content in blood decreasing, Hemoglonin density becomes weak, which is called as sportsandmina.
3) The degree of the blood ingredient change was lower in Non-athletic group than in training group. Because of the effect of training, the players rde blood cell is in abundance and the distribution of Hemoglobin consistancy is wide. Training amout can be measured by the number of red blood cell after training. The Nob-athletic group was not trained and its training amount was also small.
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A study on the Ventilation and Heart Rate of the Obesity 자연과학편 : 비만학생(肥滿學生)의 심박수(心搏數) 및 환기량(換氣量)에 관한 연구(硏究)
25(2) 101-111, 1986
A study on the Ventilation and Heart Rate of the Obesity 자연과학편 : 비만학생(肥滿學生)의 심박수(心搏數) 및 환기량(換氣量)에 관한 연구(硏究)
The purpose of this is to measure and analyze the change of the heart rate and ventilation of six fat boys, five ordinary boys and five swimmers (age range is 14-15) when they are exercising and recovering, and to find out how the fat works on the heart rate and ventilation. The results are as follows
1. The percentage of fat is 15.6±2.03 in swimmers, 18.5±1.93 in ordinary boys and 28.0±3.68 in fat boys.
2. When they are taking rest, the number of the heart rate is the highest in fat boys and the lowest in the swimmers.
3. When they are taking rest, the amount of ventilation before all out is the highest in swimmers, and those of ordinary boys and fat boys are similar.
4. In the change of the heart rate, while they are exercising, fat boys shsow the lowest increase, and just before all out they show rapid increase.
5. In the change of the ventilatiopn, in the beginning of exercising, swimmers show the lowest increase and after 15 or 16 minutes fat boys show low increase but they show rapid increase just before all out. The oredr of recovery is swimmers, fat boys ordinary boys.
6. Coefficient of corelation between fat and the number of heartrate while they are taking rest, and the highest number of heart rate while exercising shows r=0.73(p<0.01) and r=0.60(p<0.05), and the coefficient of corelatipon between the fat and the amount of ventilatiopn while they are taking rest, and the largest about of ventilation just before all out shows r= -0.29, and r= -0.23 respectively.
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Kinematic analysis of throwing in soccer 자연과학편 : 축구(蹴球) 드로우-인의 Kinematic적(的) 분석(分析)
25(2) 113-124, 1986
Kinematic analysis of throwing in soccer 자연과학편 : 축구(蹴球) 드로우-인의 Kinematic적(的) 분석(分析)
To study the throwing motion, I have got one skilled athlete and one unskilled athlete to throw a soccer ball as far as possible, and their motions were filmed by a 16mm cine camera at 100 frame per second.
I have reached fellowing conclutions by analyzing the film.
1. To throw in a short radius of the throwing wheel track causes speedy velocity because of lessening the moment of inertia.
2. In term of the required time, subject A has 8 frames and subject B 12 frames, and also subject A’s velocity has gradually increased, while subject B’s velocity has maintained almost unchangeably.
3. It is advantageous in throwing to enlarge the torque through pulling back his upperbody to increase the reaction to lessen the moment of inertia.
4. Just like fail-like action theory, in the order of the utmost velocity time in each joint is hip, shoulder, elbow and wrist ; and the muscle-mobilizing order moved from large muscle to small muscle
5. In the variation of velocity, little up and down motion induces flexible actions end mobilize muscles effectively.
6. The constant increase of velocity without great change of C.O.C movement causes an athlete to act to the best of his muscle power by his taking good advantage of his body segment.
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A Study on the Match Techniques of Taekwondo 자연과학편 : 태권도(跆拳道) 경기(競技) 기술(技術)의 조사(調査) 연구(硏究)
In the 10th Asian Taekundo Competition which was held from september 30 to October 3. 1986. this study, based on the 138games(78person) deals with the comparative investigation between Korean players and foreign players about the number of offensive skill and points, the number of offense and points in each weight level, and the number of offense and points in each round.
The conclusion of this study is as follows :
1. In the number of offense and points, Korean players were remarkably superior to foreign players becouse Korean player got 8.5 points attacking 123.75times on the average(point rate : 6.87) and foreign player gut 1.24points attacking 68.46times on the average(point rate:1.82)
2. In the number of offense and points in each skill, Korean player in 25games got 10points attacking 62times (point rate:16.13) in front turning kick, and foreign player in 113games got 13points attacking 332times (paint rate 4.02) in counter kick. This shows that Korean player developed from counter kick attacking to Twkdora-Aptolyuchagi and foreign player kept the former counter kick attacking.
3. In the number of offense and points in earth weight level, Korean players in 3 games got 12 points attacking 155 times(point rate:7.74) in the Middle weight and each player got 4 points on the average. On the other hand, foreign players in 17games got 20points attacking 759times(point rate:2.64) in Bantanweight and each player got 1.18points on the average. Therefore, Korean players are superior in Middleweight and foreign players are superior in Bantam Weight.
4. In the number of offense and points in each round, there were no other thndencies, becouse the strategies of coaches in the Match Taekundo competition are varied according to the situation of each game.
From the results of the above research, the techniques which has used in Taekwondo are seemed to be a game mainly composed of front turning kick, back kick and a fist and high degree techniques are not used in a match. So it is thought that match technique is to be progressed, only if the improvements in the rules of the Judge should be added.
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A STUDY ON REACTION TIME OF AUDITORY, VISUAL STIMULUS IN PLAYER -Centered on the Ice Hockey, Gymnastics players- 자연과학편 : 운동선수(運動選手)의 청각(聽覺) 및 시각자극(視覺刺戟) 반응시간(反應時間)에 관한 연구(硏究)(Ⅱ)-아이스 하키, 체조선수(體操選手)를 중심(中心)으로-
유승희SeungHeeYoo , 변재문JaeMoonByun
25(2) 135-142, 1986
A STUDY ON REACTION TIME OF AUDITORY, VISUAL STIMULUS IN PLAYER -Centered on the Ice Hockey, Gymnastics players- 자연과학편 : 운동선수(運動選手)의 청각(聽覺) 및 시각자극(視覺刺戟) 반응시간(反應時間)에 관한 연구(硏究)(Ⅱ)-아이스 하키, 체조선수(體操選手)를 중심(中心)으로-
유승희SeungHeeYoo , 변재문JaeMoonByun
This study was conducted to research with Continuous Stimuli Generator & Chronoscope, T.K.K., Japan, and two experiment Gymnastics teams. This study was regeached to reveal the reaction time of hands and feet for the Auditory, Visual stimuli, therefore we had the Condusion as following:
1. In hand reaction time for Auditory stimuli, Ice hocyey players were more swift them Gymnastics players, were fewer difference of reaction time between left and right hand. And right hand reaction time was appeared more thand Left hands’. In feet reaction the Ice Hockey were fewer difference of reaction time between left and right foot.
2. In hand reaction time for Visual stimuli, Ice Hockey players were appeared more swift reaction time. And in difference of reaction time between ritht and left hand, Gymnastics players were fewer than Ice Hockey players, and left hand was reacted more fast than right.
In feet reaction, Gymnastics players were more swift than Ice Hockey players, had nat a difference of reaction time between right and left foot, and right foot’s reaction time was appeared more fast than left.
3. After compared with hands and feet for Auditory Visual Stimali, it was appeared certain correlation only in Gymnastics players.
In case of right hand it was appeared low correlation in two teams.
and in left foot reaction, was appeared certain correlation in Ice Hockey players, in right was appeared certain correlation in Gymnastics players.
Key Words
Research, On Wounds in Tennis Game and their Treatment. 자연과학편 : Tennis 경기(競技)에서 일어나기 쉬운 부상(負傷) 과 치료(治療)에 관(關)한 소고(小考) -남여(南女) 고등학교(高等學校) 대학생(大學生)을 중심(中心)으로
25(2) 143-151, 1986
Research, On Wounds in Tennis Game and their Treatment. 자연과학편 : Tennis 경기(競技)에서 일어나기 쉬운 부상(負傷) 과 치료(治療)에 관(關)한 소고(小考) -남여(南女) 고등학교(高等學校) 대학생(大學生)을 중심(中心)으로
For the purpose of investigating various wounds in tennis game, this study was conducted and analyzed with 25 men players and 22 women players of high schools and universities from May. 1986 to October 1986. The conclusion was as fellows.
① The most frequent parts of wounds in men was 13 cases of knee wounds(25.5%), and 11 cases of ankle-joint wounds (21.6%).
The most frequent parts of wounds in women was 10 cases of wrist-joint wounds(28.6%) and 8 cases of knife wounds (22.9%).
The frequency of bruise was 24 cases in men(47.1%) and 17 cases in women(48.6%)
② The frequency of re-wounds in the same part was 2.04 times per man and 1.59 times per woman.
③ The cause of wounds both in men and in women was mostly hard technical training above their ability: (man: 44.0% : woman: 40.9%). The frequency of the wounds during practice was 13 cases in men(52.0%) and 13 cases in women (59.1%).
④ Both men and women were wounded moat frequently in winter: (10 cases in men(40.0%) and 8 cases in women(36.4%)).
⑤ The most frequently used methods of treatment were 9 cases of physical theraphy in men(36.0%) and 5 cases of injection-acupuncture theraphy in women(22.6%). And both in men in women, 4 cases of drug treatment (18.2%) and 4 cases of massage-finger pressure theraphy(18.2%) were followed.
The proportion of perfect treatment and imperfect treatment was 4 to 6.
Most perfect treatments coincided with injection-acupuncture theraphy.
18 men(72.0%) and 11 women(50.0%) were healed be doctors.
The period of treatment was from 5 days to 6 months, and in most cases it was less than a month.
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A Study on the Kinetic Sense of Rugby football players 자연과학편 : 럭비풋볼 선수(選手)의 운동감각(運動感覺)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
25(2) 153-157, 1986
A Study on the Kinetic Sense of Rugby football players 자연과학편 : 럭비풋볼 선수(選手)의 운동감각(運動感覺)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
The purpose of this study ware to detect the influence of kinetic sense on Rugby players. The subjects Consisted of to male and devided into three groups(more than 7 year Rugby carrer:20, from 4 year to 5 year Rugby carrer:20, non-carrer:20)
Their kinetic sense such as Whole body space sense, weight sense and distance sense were measured. The statistical method was utilized by t-test(α=0.05). The results were as follows ;
1. There was no difference among three groups in the whole body space sense.
2. There was no difference among three groups in the weight sense.
3. Rughy playar groups were superior to non-carrer group (P<0.05), but there was no difference between more than 7 Year carter group and 4-5 year carrer group.
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The study on the effective posture of back whip in Tae Kwon Do Competition 자연과학편 : 태권도(跆拳道) 경기시(競技時) 뒤후리기의 효율적(效率的) 자세(姿勢)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
25(2) 159-171, 1986
The study on the effective posture of back whip in Tae Kwon Do Competition 자연과학편 : 태권도(跆拳道) 경기시(競技時) 뒤후리기의 효율적(效率的) 자세(姿勢)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
The purpose of this study is to research for the effective posture of back whip kick in Tae-Kwon Do competition
The subjects of this study are 9 Tae kwon Do players of K-university in city of seoul.
I measured the time of bark whip kicking according to the distances and position of left and right foot and, had canclusion as follows.
1. When the distance of left and riqht foot is the breath of shoulder (A), It appeared that the postures of p7(0.271 / sec±0.023). p2(o.274sec±0.024) p8(0.283±0.029) is the most ideal.
2. When the distance of left and right foot is 10cm behind from the breath of shoulder, it appeared that the postures of p7(0.275sec±0.027), p8(0.277sec±0.025), pl(0.283 sec±0.024) is the most ideal.
3. When the distance of left and right foot is 20cm behind from the breath of shoulder, it appeared that the postures of p8(0.280sec±0.023), p7(0.284sec±0.020), p4(0.282sec±0.022) is the most ideal.
4. When the distance of left and right foot is 30cm behind from the breath of shoulder, it appeared that the postures of p8(0.279sec±0.023), p3(o.280sec±0.021) is most ideal.
5. When the distance of left and right foot is the breath of shoulder and, 10cm behind from the breath of shoulder, It appearecd that the posture of C 0.284/ sec) is most fast. The posture of C 10cm behind from breath of shoulder and the posture of D 30cm behind from the breath of shoulder, are the most latest.
The time which was required leer back whip kicking are as follows.
in case of B. posture‥‥‥‥ o.284 / sec
in case of D. posture‥‥‥‥ 0.291 / sec.
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A Study of the Difference of Skinfold Thickness or Percent Body Fat and the Record of 1,000m Run Among Events and their Correlation 자연과학편 : 신체부위별(身體部位別) 피지후(皮脂厚) 및 체지방비(體脂肪比)와 오래 달리기 기록(記錄)의 운동종목별(運動種目別) 차이(差異) 및 상관(相關)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
25(2) 173-181, 1986
A Study of the Difference of Skinfold Thickness or Percent Body Fat and the Record of 1,000m Run Among Events and their Correlation 자연과학편 : 신체부위별(身體部位別) 피지후(皮脂厚) 및 체지방비(體脂肪比)와 오래 달리기 기록(記錄)의 운동종목별(運動種目別) 차이(差異) 및 상관(相關)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
A Study of the Difference of Skinfold Thickness or Percent Body Fat and the Record of 1,000 m Run Among Events and their Correlation.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference of skinfold thickness of different body sites and the correlantion between skinfold thickness or percent body fat and the record of 1,000 m run. Subjects were 99 athletes (Rugby:37, Soccer:31, Track and Field:31) who were similar in taking food and the time required for training. Skinfold sites for measurement are the five most frequently used locations. The critical vaiue for verification is p = 0.05
Conclusions are as follows.
1. There were significant differences among events in all items (triceps, subscapular, abdomen, suprailliac, and thigh skinfold thickness, their sum, qercent body fat, 1,000 m run).
2. There were significant differences between the skinfold thickness of each site regardless of events.
3. There were significant correlations between tile record of 1,000 m run and all items except triceps skinfold at rugby players.
4. There was significant correlation between the record of 1,000 m run and only abdomen skinfold at soccer players.
5. There was significant correlation between the record of 1.000 m run and only triceps skinfold at track and field players.
6. There were significant correlations between the record of 1,000 m run and the values of all measuring items synthetically.
7. There was the highest correlation between the record of 1,000 m run and abdomen skinfold of 5 sites and then in order of thigh, triceps, suprailliac, and subscapular skinolds.
8. There was higher correlation between the record of 1,000 m run and the sum of 5 sites skinfold thickness than percent body fat.
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A Study on the Somatotype and the Characteristics of Physical Fitness in Occupational Women -Based on the Preschool Teachers- 자연과학편 : 직업여성(職業女性)의 체형(體型) 및 체력특성(體力特性)에 관한 연구(硏究) -유치원(幼稚園) 교사(敎師)를 중심(中心)으로-
A Study on the Somatotype and the Characteristics of Physical Fitness in Occupational Women -Based on the Preschool Teachers- 자연과학편 : 직업여성(職業女性)의 체형(體型) 및 체력특성(體力特性)에 관한 연구(硏究) -유치원(幼稚園) 교사(敎師)를 중심(中心)으로-
This study applied to 125 occupational women who were ingaged in preschool in Kyung-Nam.
The major objectives of this study were to find out basic information for health improvement of occupational females obtaining from the measurement, analysis and their correlations of physiques, somatotype, body composition and the charadteristids of physical fitness.
The results as following ;
1. Physiques and body composition
① The body height of this group was 158.00±4.69cm, body weight was 51.77士5.50kg. They were lower than standard physique of Korean.
② Their skinfolds were thicker than those of the women students in a Japanes college, were on the increase in proportion to their age.
③ Their bone breadths were wider their arm and calf girths were slenderer than those of the women students in a Japanese college.
④ Their body dinsity and HWR were on the decrease in inverse proportion to their age, on the contrary % Fat and LBM tier increased.
2. Somoatotype
① Mean somatotype(S) was 6.30-2.90-B.49, mesomorphic endomorph.
② Their somatotype were unchanged in proportion to their age.
③ Endomorphic component was larger, mesomorphic component was smaller than those of female college students of Japan.
3. Physical fitness
① Their grip strength and standing broad jump were lower, trunk flexion and sit ups were higher than those of Japanese women of the same age. Rut modified shuttle run was badly similar.
② Their whole physical fitness was some lower than that of Japan.
4. Correlation
① There were positive correlations between endomorphic component and body weight, chest girth, and % Fat, but there were negative correlations body density and LBM.
② There were positive correlations between mesomorphic component and body weight, chest girth and % Fat, but there were negative correlations body height and body density.
③ There were positive corrlations between ectomorphic componentand body height and body density, but there were negative correlations body weight, chest girth, and % Fat.
④ There were hardly correlations between 3 components of somatotype an grip strength, standing broad jump. modified shuttle run, trunk flexion, situps, and stick teat.
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Analyese of games for improvement of tennis techniques 자연과학편 : 테니스 경기력(競技力) 향상(向上)을 위(爲)한 경기내용(競技內容) 분석(分析) -한국(韓國) 남자(男子) 대표급(代表級) 선수(選手) 경기내용(競技內容)을 중심(中心)으로-
25(2) 197-207, 1986
Analyese of games for improvement of tennis techniques 자연과학편 : 테니스 경기력(競技力) 향상(向上)을 위(爲)한 경기내용(競技內容) 분석(分析) -한국(韓國) 남자(男子) 대표급(代表級) 선수(選手) 경기내용(競技內容)을 중심(中心)으로-
The resulting analyses of the league game of men’s singles of the final evaluation for ten players to be chosen as the national altheletes for the thnth Asian Games are as follows :
1. distribution of scores gained and lost has showed that volley is 26.52%, passing shot, 20.73%, ground stroke, 19.04%, receive, 19.03%, Which account for 85.31% of the total gained and lost points.
2. rate of score made by attacks is 32.57%. Of many technical factors, the factors which made a good score are revealed in the following order : volley(42.07%), passing shot(25.31%), smash(19.55%). On the other hand, the factors which failed to obtain the pointe are shown in the following order : ground stroke (26.20%), receive (25.50%), volley (19.00%), passing shot(18.52%).
3. rate of success in first service is 69.83%. The score made by service ace and receive miss by the opponent players account for 19.04% of the total score, which implies the technique in service has been preatly improved.
4. The points osst by ground stroke account fur 26.20%, the rate of errors made by ground stroke is 58.57%, which is the highest in error-rate. Fore-hands omit-balls and back-hands out-balls are 33.64% and 24.93% respectively, the rate of outs by fordhands is higher than that made by back-hands.
5. rate of score by volley is 42.07, which is the highest in the rate of score by attacks. The rate of success in volley, fore-hands, back-hands, is 51.78%, 55.81%, and 47.30% respectively. The errors made by net balls are more than by out-balls.
6. rate of success in approach shot is 32.71% which is lowest. The rate of success in fore-hand and in back-hands are 45.69% and 17.34% respectively. Error-rate of back-hands is greatly high.
7. rate of success in lob 21.88%, which is very low. On the other hand, rate of success in smash is 85.27%, which is very high. The level of smashing technique is considerably high.
8. rate of score by passing shut is 25.31%. The rate of success in passing shot is 39.77 : the one by fore-hands is 43.10% and the one by back-hands is 37.47%, which tells errors made by back-hands are many.
9. rate of winning service games and receive games is 70.22% and 31.16% respectively. The average number of game in one set is 10.51 and the average gained points and lost points is 6.43 per game.
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The Changes of Minerals, Ferment, and Trig. Levels on Plasma after Swimming 자연과학편 : 운동부하(運動負荷) 후(後) 혈중(血中) 무기질(無機質) · 효소(酵素) · 중성지방(中性脂肪)의 변화(變化)
The purpose of this research was to compare the changes of minerals, ferment, and trig·levels of the athletes group with non-athletes group on plasma after 100 meters swimming and 20 meters subaqueous swimming respectively.
The results were obtained.
1. At the test of NA, K, CL, CA, P, LDH, SGOT, SGPT, BUN, U.A, and TRIG, all of athletes and non-athletes group skewed normal range.
2. After swimming, the changes of NA, CL in non-athletes group were more decreased by 0.2meq / ℓ, 1.75meq / ℓ respectively than those of athletes group. The changes of K in both groups were level with that the rest.
3. After swimming, the changes of P in athletes group and non-athletes group were decreased by o.195㎎ / ㎗, 0.4㎎ / ㎗ and the changes of TRIG in athletes group was same as that of the rest. But that of TRIG in non-athletes group was decreased by 1.5㎎ / ㎗.
4. After swimming, the changes of LDH, SGOT, SGPT in both groups were increased and the changes of LDH and SGOT in non-athletes group were the highest increase among them by 8.25 unit / ℓ, 3.25unit / ℓ.
5. After swimming, the changes of BUN and U.A in all of both groups were increased by 1.5㎎ / ㎗, 0.4㎎ / ㎗.
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백일영IlYoungPaik , 장기준KiJunChang , 황인승InSeongHwang
25(2) 219-228, 1986
백일영IlYoungPaik , 장기준KiJunChang , 황인승InSeongHwang
The kinematic variables of Apchagi in Taekwondo were analized. The Apchagi variables compared in two situations ;
1) When the subjects performed the tickings with target.
2) When the subjects performed the tickings without target.
Three Taekwondon athletes who hare practiced for more than seven yearn were selected among Yonsei University Taekwondo team as Subjects
The hip, knee, ankle and metatarsal phalangat joints of the subjects were marked with white dots.
The kicking performances were filmed using Bolex high speed camera with film speed of 64 frames / sec.
The velocity, acceleration, angular velocity and angular acceleration If the necessary joints and segments were calculated through kinematic analysis procedure Which developed in Yonsei University.
The results reported in graph form to provie basic information for the skills and compared the kinematic variables of the two kicking, with target which simulate competitive situation and without target which is used for training, to provide information fur training.
The following conclusions could draw from the results.
The patterns of the kinematic variables of the kicking with target and without target were similar, however the patterns in relate with the target area were which suggest prectie kicking should perform with soft target, different as if the whole pattern shifted backward and showed low values at the target area in kicking without target. The angular velocity of the thigh decreased as the velocity of the shank increased and showed whipping motion which is most efficient mechanical method to increase velocity of the distal segment.